Monday, March 05, 2007

Here we go again...

Jason is back in a cast. He was still having pain in his foot and was insisting it felt like it was still broken. So after a respectable amount of parental ignoring, I made him an appointment with the orthopedic center for this morning. I dropped him off on my way to work and David dealt with the appointment process. He will be in this beautiful lime green cast for another four weeks. I truly think he's not going to stop until he gets to have every color of cast available.

I took this picture of him mainly to show off his cast but as I was viewing it, getting ready to upload it, I realized something extraordinary. This is truly him in his natural state. Look carefully... he's sitting on the couch, junk food within arm's reach, talking on the phone while at the same time playing his PSP with an ear piece that allows him to interact with a friend remotely... yes he's also talking to another friend over his PSP at the same time. The only thing out of character here is the fact that he's not sitting in front of this computer playing Runescape... and that's only because I made him get off so I could write this blog.


Sayre said...

Good grief! You ought to just take his leg off at the knee and get a permanent cast for him - he can "pimp his gimp" as the Doonsbury comics are saying these days. Why isn't this thing healing up?

Liane Michel said...

I think they removed the cast too soon. This time they didn't even x-ray it, they just padded it better before casting it.

Sayre said...

Hello???? (echo echo echo). When are we going to see another post??? Here I am bragging about you on my blog and you stop writing again.... Get with it, girl! And call me!