Tuesday, June 10, 2008

All in the family

Pyzam Family Sticker Toy
Create your own family sticker graphic at pYzam.com

Here we are.

Me (Liane): 45, overweight, curlyish greyish-black hair, bifocals, usually stressed out... a/k/a mommy or "mother" in the event one of them is put out with me. I prefer Queen of the Universe... only I can't seem to get anyone to refer to me that way.

I try to do everything right.... hence the halo... but I don't always get things right.

P.S., I do have eyebrows.

Jason: No aliases that I know of. 15 1/2 and in the throes of adolescence. About to be a sophomore in high school and knows everything. His hair is longer than the cartoon depiction and almost covers his eyes... it's also much darker than many of you may remember. He is tall and lanky with a low voice... monotone for the most part, as he usually only speaks in one-word sentences. There wasn't a soccer outfit choice, so I went with golf because that is his new sport interest. He watches it on t.v. for hours (yawn). He is also interested in tennis but only plays occasionally with his friends. He's rekindled his interest in soccer. He tried out for a new travel soccer team last week and we are waiting to find out if he made it.

Jessica: a/k/a Jess or Jessie. 13 1/2 and going into 7th grade. Also in the throes of adolescence but speaks (or yells) in fluent sentences. There is no doubt that she will be taller than me as an adult. She is almost as tall as me now... at least in her platform flip flops. Of course when I tell people that, they always reply, "what's your point?"

She definitely has a figure now and looks well beyond her age body-wise. She is into cooking, but not cleaning, and wants to be a chef. Next school year, she will be in chorus. She loves to wear jewelry but is not good at keeping up with it. After she lost all of her earrings, she lost all of mine. She is obsessed with Vera Bradly bags and other name-brand clothing thanks to her friends whose parents can afford them.

Spot: a/k/a spottums or bott bott. Our oldest cat. He is black with white. He is very aloof and spends most of his time sleeping in strange places and hissing at the kittens.

Stinky: a/k/a stinky boy or stinkweed or stinkwad. Raised from the bottle at 2 weeks; thinks he's a person. He is very social although he is scared of everything, which is highly annoying to me. He is very vocal and talks to us in tones we seem to understand. He tolerates the kittens and tries to play with them occasionally.

Bacon and Spike: a/k/a bacon-bit and spikey. Our newest family members. Raised from the bottle at 2 weeks; now 8 weeks old. They bounce all over the house and explore everything. And by explore, I mean get into places where they should not be. Funny as hell to watch. Bacon (named by Jessie) looks almost exactly like Stinky... grey/black tabby. Spike (named by Jason) is grey and white tabby.


Sayre said...

Yoda was a bottle cat and he's scared of everything too. It takes him forever to decided to come in or go out because he has to make sure nothing is going to kill him if he does. Argh! Perhaps he needs to start watching out for the doorman!

He WATCHES golf? Egads.

I'm really hoping that the grunge look will re-emerge by the time ZBoy's friends decided name brand is better than big box. Goodwill is a much better bargain - especially while they're still growing.

And yes, Jessica will be taller than you. Isn't everyone?

Liane Michel said...

Yes, Stinky also takes forever to decide whether to come in or not. Even more aggravating is he will want in, so I get up and let him in. Then he will immediately want out, and I get up and let him out... and then he'll want back in. I accommodate him, of course, even though I know better and even while I am scolding him for asking so much of me. He has me trained for sure.

So does Spot. At our old house, he would come to the back door and I would let him in and he would walk straight to the front door and want out again.

Regarding fashion and offspring... Don't hold your breath on the brand-name deal. It's gonna hit you sooner than later. Sorry.

Regarding Jason... Yes, he has been watching golf but it's way better than him obsessing over xBox. However, I do peek my head inside his room every now and then to make sure he's still alive.