Saturday, July 12, 2008

Gun show

I went to a gun show today.

I never thought in a million years I would go to one.

Well, to be fair, it was a gun and knife show.

A couple of weeks ago Dale asked me if I wanted to go to it with him. I answered yes because he has done things with me that interest me, even though I know he was cringing the entire time.

So I said yes.

We arrived around noon. The admission was $6.00 per person.

I had asked him earlier in the week how much the admission fee was, and he said he thought $5.00. A $5.00 admission fee seemed excessive; I mean we would only be looking at guns....and okay, knives. But $6.00?

So we went in.

I didn't want to go... ya know, but I was determined to stick it out and be positive. That's what love is about... give and take.. I totally know that.

The place was packed with people. Mostly men, but there were some couples.

The first couple I noticed was a mirror of us. The man was studying the merchandise..intently...and the woman was standing next to him trying not to look bored. That was me.

But as boring as it was, I did see some pretty neat looking guns, including a rifle used in the Civil War. We went from one booth to the next looking at what seemed like the same merchandise we had just seen.

I got excited when we neared the last booth. Finally, we could leave! However, the only way out was through another building, which was also full of guns and knives. I begged Dale to look quickly as we had already been there two hours. So he did and we ended up leaving with sore feet about 30 minutes later.

1 comment:

Sayre said...

Did you see Heather? Because sure as shootin' she thought she'd see YOU there!!!! (bwahahahahha)