Thursday, July 31, 2008

To Do or Not to Do

It was bound to happen.

I bought this place and it is covered in wallpaper that is not me.

It's Victorian, actually. Not bad mind you; but not me.

So what that means is that I will have to remove the wallpaper from the ENTIRE house at some point, and proceed from there.

I intend to do that, only there is the "keeping the house clean" problem to deal with daily, as well as the "keeping the yard maintained" problem that seems to be daily, being that it is summer and we've had a LOT of rain.

Speaking of summer, my lovely daughter has been complaining about how bored she is.

I bought her puzzles when she showed an interest. I let her run around in the creeks of Indian Head Acres so she could hang out with her friends, even though I was apprehensive about it. Okay, I used to live there when I was a child and I know what I did when I lived there and OMG not my child!!)...and I allowed her to go to sleep overs. But, still, she is bored.

I digress.

This afternoon, as we were preparing to go to daddy's house, I noticed a piece of wallpaper border coming unglued in the dining room. It was installed just above the chair rail. I had actually seen the peeling wallpaper before but ignored it because fixing it was way too far down on my "to do" list to worry about.

I pulled it.

I pulled it and Jessie saw me!! She immediately went into "wallpaper removal" mode. If you don't know what I am talking about, then back up in the archives a couple years. You will see.

She got so into it... I got into it. It was hard to get her to stop, but we had to leave. She professed that pulling wallpaper would be the greatest part of her summer vacation and vowed to begin first thing tomorrow. God help me.

Here is the damage:

You know, of course, that this means I have to deal with the dining room now.

Just another "to do" for my list.


Sayre said...

Hurray! 'Cause honestly - that wall paper was pretty hideous. You'd better start thinking of what color you want to paint in there. Pulling wallpaper is right up Jessie's alley - let her go to town!

BTW, how did her room turn out? What did you keep and what did you toss? Are you still "Scarlett" or should I say "Belle"????

Liane Michel said...

I am going to paint a very muted mossy type green i think. it will go good with the floors and the dark color of my table.

I haven't done her room yet. It's even further down my "to do" list, ha ha.

My beaudeaux (sp?) stands.