Monday, September 01, 2008


Okay, so apparently I can upload pictures now!!

Here is that pic of Jason I took after his first driving lesson.

I love his expression. It's an expression I don't get to see very often.

Here are some more I have been meaning to share.

This one was taken at a metal recycling plant that I pass now and then going to/from Dale's place. I thought it was neat that there was so much twisted confusion going on around a vertically stationary speed limit sign. I'm sure you already got that though. :)

This is what my babies do when they are not being watched. They know they are not allowed on the counter or the chair seat....

This is a pic from a recent camping trip to Gennie Springs. I meant to post about it when I went at the end of July. But it hasn't happened yet. Tune in... :)

This is from a fireworks display at DecemberFest last year. It came out pretty good, even though I was hiding behind a bush due to the fact that the fireworks were extremely close to me at the time!!

I pass these trucks on my way home from work. They look like mommy and baby trucks to me.

1 comment:

Sayre said...

You sure had a lot of pictures to get in there!

Jason looks absolutely pleased with himself.

I really like that metal picture - not sure why, but it's very appealing.

Your fur babies are SOOO cute. I miss kittens.

That spring looks pretty good right about now.

I haven't been to a fireworks show in probably 25 years. Things certainly have changed from the shoot them up and watch them explode days!

I wonder where daddy-truck is?