Thursday, December 31, 2009

Multitasking 101

Remember this picture of Jason multi-tasking?

Well now I have one of Jessica dong the same.  She's using her iTouch (iPod) with cell phone leaning against her face while on the internet (either on Facebook or MySpace or chatting).


Sayre said...

Is she talking into the phone or just listening to it?

Hey, remember when we used to spend New Year's Eve together when we were kids? I wrote a little about that today.

Liane Michel said...

I think the phone is actually off... but now that you mention that, I can't say for sure that it was off!

I don't really remember that, per se, but I remember when we would write a word on our backs with our finger and the one with the back had to guess what that word was. That was so fun. Also, remember playing Barbies on top of your mom's dark room? Oh it brings up so many memories!

I read your blog and I have the same resolutions. 2010 will be a year of change for both of us!

Mr. RT said...

This is completely something I would do. You can never catch me without my itouch and now the laptop has become an addiction!

-Mr RT