Wednesday, February 06, 2008


It's official.

I am divorced. I am a divorcee. Do I look any different?

A year of anticipation culminated in a 15-minute court appearance and "poof" it was final.

I didn't even know it until I called David to ask what happened in court. I figured it would take 30 days or so after the court date. But nope. It was final right then... probably at 2:45 this afternoon.

I am a little sad that that part of my life is officially over; but I am also happy that I can proceed with the next part of my life.


Sayre said...

Yeah - I didn't have to be there either. I found out I was divorced when I got the decree in the mail.

I'm sorry - it's hard to know how to feel when something like that happens.

But I'm glad you can get on with the next chapter now!

cathryn said...

I understand too. It's strange when something like that happens -- you want things to feel different. You want a more definitive marker.

Oh well. Here's to a new chapter in your life!
