Thursday, October 11, 2007

Get the phone

Yesterday at work I heard a phone ringing. It was the phone in the copier area.

It rang and rang and rang and rang and rang.... no one answered.

I continued working trying to ignore the incessant ringing in my ears. I began to think, "Doesn't this person realize after 30 rings that either no one is around to answer it or is going to answer it?"

Finally, after at least 50 rings, it stopped.

Relief. I went back to concentrating on my work.

Three minutes later the phone began to ring again. "Geez," I thought to myself, "Doesn't this person ever give up? NO ONE is going to answer the phone!!!!!!"

I looked over as Colin was walking out of his office and we both looked at each other as if in mutual understanding. He thought it may be a fax call. But it wasn't a fax because we now get our faxes through our copier. We have no fax machine.

I decided that I was going to answer it. I walked back to the copier area and saw two people in the area ignoring the phone.

I just walked off. Somehow I felt stupid for wanting to answer it.

1 comment:

Sayre said...

Remember when there used to be phone booths? I bet you were one of those people who couldn't NOT answer it if it rang.

Yeah, yeah - I'm that way too.