Monday, October 15, 2007


Laurie is back in the hospital.

Daddy called me Saturday night to tell me. All we know is that she is in CCU and is in stable condition. Mom said she thought it was the same problem she initially had last February (the first time she went in)... can't remember what that condition was called.

As before, the hospital will not give us details without a "pass code" and we don't know how to get that yet. I think Laurie is the one who has to authorize it but at this point, we don't know her mental state.

Her boyfriend's sister said that Laurie had started drinking again; that she barely weighs 100 lbs.

When I talked to Laurie last month, she told me was 112 lbs. It was an awkward conversation for me. She seemed out of it, slow to respond, almost like she was drunk. But Daddy said that she talks like that now because of having meningitis... it damaged her brain.

I feel numb. I feel bad that I am not more worried, but I just can't think about it.

1 comment:

Sayre said...

I'm sorry you all are going through this again. My shoulders are here when you need them.