Friday, September 14, 2007

Birthday boy

The boy turned 15 today. I can hardly believe he is that old. We will celebrate tomorrow with cake and presents, but tonight he opened one present from me.... a mouse for his laptop.

He loves the one I bought myself a few weeks ago and I thought I bought the exact same one, but turns out I didn't. So I gave him my mouse and took his new one. Now I have to get used to it or take it back. It's not as nice and is thinner and harder to fit in my hand. I may be taking it back, actually.

On another note, an obviously out-of-tune note, this was the reaction I got when I sang happy birthday to him.

1 comment:

Sayre said...

OMG - 15. WHERE does the time go?? I remember when you brought him home. I thought you were so brave... it took me 6 and a half more years to get up the nerve to do it myself. Some days I still feel like a chicken.