Saturday, September 15, 2007

Birthday continued

We celebrated Jason's birthday formally today. David, mom, and aunt Jeannie came over. I told them to come between noon and 1:00 pm, so naturally they showed up at 11:00 am. Mom made a chocolate cake (organic) and brought the candles.

Jason got lots of nice presents: a tennis racket and balls; a soccer ball pump kit, a mini soccer ball for juggling, clothes, a lava lamp, and the biggie present, a 19" LCD flat panel TV. He was floored by the TV.

Jason told me afterwards it was one of the best birthdays he's had in a long time. Tonight we went to the FSU Women's soccer game. They won against Auburn 3-0. He met his friends Sam and Ben there and they came home with us to spend the night.

They are all in his room now playing soccer.


Sayre said...

"...chocolate cake (organic)..." absolutely fits in with my image of your mom! Did you know that her mac & cheese is a big hit at my house? I must have written that recipe down 35-40 years ago!

I'm glad Jason had such a great birthday... lots of balls (of various kinds) and a 19" TV? Yowsa. At least the car won't happen until next year (snigger)...

Liane Michel said...

He's not gonna be allowed to drive until he's married with at least one teenager! LOL.