Thursday, February 01, 2007

One month!!

Well I've officially made it through my first month. It hasn't been easy but it hasn't been that hard either. We've done well with our budget I think. I'll look over my finances later tonight, but I think I actually have some money left over to save! It's been an emotional, scary, exciting, exhausting month and I'm proud of myself for getting through it. I'm proud of the kids for getting through it as well.


Sayre said...

Hurray! Everyone's still alive after the week from Hell. Something of a miracle in and of itself...

Sayre said...

Okay - I see I'm going to have to take you to lunch to get the story about last weekend!!! Say, 11?

Liane Michel said...

I'll agree with that!! Let me know the day. By the way, I have finally posted it!