Sunday, September 30, 2007

Just a weekend

David had the kids this weekend. He took Jason and Jessica up to Columbus, GA, Saturday for a soccer play date. I traded vehicles with him Friday night so they could travel in the Jeep.

David's truck is on its last leg. Actually it should have died a painful death years ago but for some unknown reason it is still running.

David has never wanted me to drive the truck because it could break down at any time, but he agreed because he had no choice. He couldn't take a chance of driving it to Columbus. Besides, I assured him, I wouldn't need to use it much so there wouldn't be any problems.

I drove it to Dale's Friday night. I was kind of worried that I would make it. The truck's engine sputtered every time I stopped at a light and it had absolutely no pickup. It was all I could do to get it to go 60 mph. I didn't dare pull out in front of anyone, not even if they were aways away. And the lack of side mirrors made it that much more hard to drive.

On my way home Saturday afternoon, I got a flat tire coming off I-10. I was sitting at a light when the man next to me told me my tire was flat. It went flat fast because I stopped at that light with a full tire, and when it turned green and I stopped at the next light it was flat. So I pulled off into the first gas station I could find and called AAA. Thank GOD for AAA; it's so worth the $57 membership!

I called David to tell him what had happened. After he calmed down enough to listen, I asked him where the spare tire was. It's in your garage, he said. WHAT?

Well what do you want me to do? Have AAA tow the truck to my house and have them put the tire on? Or, tow me to a tire store (which I had no clue where one was nearby)? He couldn't answer me.... all he could say was do what I thought best.

After about 45 minutes, the AAA tech showed up. He put enough air in the tire so I could follow him around the corner to a Discount Tire store.

I then proceeded to spend the next 2 hours waiting for a new tire to be put on.

My whole Saturday wasn't ruined, however, because Dale came over and cooked me Etouffe with crawfish and shrimp. It was fantastic. It was such a treat to have him cook dinner for me... and he can really cook! Later we watched the FSU football game... yes I actually watched football.

Today, he mowed my lawn for me. This man is so sweet.


Sayre said...

Man!!! You will do ANYTHING to weasel out of mowing that yard!
That tire stuff is a bummer. Of course, I had my own car adventures this past week, so I am right there with you.

Hey! Dale looks pretty cute!

Liane Michel said...

LOL, I like to think of it as being destined NOT to mow!